Salvia Triloba
Salvia Triloba (Greek Sage), is usually found in pine forests and rocky slopes. Recognizable from its fluffy foliage and red-blue flowers. Both its presence in its natural habitat and its effects and properties are impressive.
Besides its exceptional performance against inflammation like tonsillitis, laryngitis and ulitis, sage is an effective fever reducer, deodorant and anti-perspirant. External usage heals ulcer, wounds and abscess. It’s true that sage keeps the promise that its name implies (It comes from the Latin word salvare which means “to save”). Medieval medicine described sage as “irresistible panacea” and was used as a weapon against plague as well as on antidote against snake bite.
Its main ingredient is rosmarinic acid, which is the reason why it has many benefit effects, like memory enhancement, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant.
It is very crucial to mention that unlike the European Sage (Salvia officinalis), the Greek Sage (Salvia Triloba) has lower levels of thujone, a substance which is responsible for rapid heartbeats and vertigo in sensitive human organisms.
Dioscorides in his book “De materia medica” mentions that the root of sage is extracted during the summer months, it’s cut and then dried out. Its beverage is diuretic and emmenagogue. When drunk with honey is ideal against cough. It is suitable for people suffering from fracture and flatulence. Sage is an excellent heat lotion.
It is also used in cosmetology as a styptic, a purifier and a skin regulator against excessively oily skin.
Besides a “multidrug”, sage is also an ideal condiment. Thus, it can offer its rich aroma in sauces, salads or pasta. With attention to quantity used, since Sage is known for the intensity of flavor and scent.

/ etherea recipes